I feel like my hair should be flowing in the wind as I see and hear about Dusty Duck (I love that name) teaching herself all kinds of things.... she just whizzes by like a road runner. And my hair would probably be flapping if I ever stood up to see what is going on. My feeble explanation of why I'm only just now getting around to checking out some of the blogger features. (In a crackly old woman's voice)"Whadda mean push the buttons.... I can't even see 'em!! Where's the rotary dial?! Huh? What does that mean... LOL... are you cussing at me?!!!"
Oh... I like it. I wonder where the image is stored or where its being displayed from? Guess I'll go and reread the info about posting images. I do know I don't have to worry about resizing the photos...the display program takes care of that. Way kewl. (I think I decided to check this out after clicking on "i am" blog to see a bigger picture.)
hahahah...that cracked me up....
Hey good!!! You learned how to upload multiple images...
if you need help...everything I've learned so far is easy (except how to save your link list)...LOL.
But I needed some freshness on my blog..new links and stuff..
of course, I always love to see your art.
And....are you learning Corel yet...
Funny you should ask about Corel. I was just in there and wonders of wonders.... I found where to 'save as...' I tried a couple of effects. I got a border around something and then added a frame, but it was whatever frame automatically came up. The bummer was that the second attempt I went to save said due to file limits it would have to override the original photo. Odd message to me. So there has been a little movement... I mean besides walking past the software thinking "I gotta get that in the mail."
I figured going into Corel was time better spent than sitting here playing freecell all day.
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