Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Virual Postcard Virus

I just received an email about a "dangerous" virual postcard going around. I automatically check on a hoax/urban legend site to verify things before I pass them on... I've been burned too many times in the past. It looks like this could be for real. You can check here or I would urge you to google some key phrases to check for yourself.

The subject line says something similar to a family member has sent you a postcard. When you open the email and click on the link (which looks legit) it takes you some place else and you're zapped with a virus. It also sends more emails out using your address book.

So be very leary even if the greeting message looks like its from someone you know.


Wanda said...

Thanks for the info.

Nita said...

I've been getting a lot of mail about an ecard send by a friend, classmate, etc. I just mark them as spam. It's to the point I don't open anything unless I recognize the sender. And now...with them stealing address books, we still can't be sure.

The spammers sure work over time!

Thanks for the reminder, Crone. Nita

sandy said...

I just got an email from a friend yesterday and it was duplicated like ten times...

Travelling Goddess said...

Thanks CC. Will keep an eye out!!!