Sunday, July 31, 2005


I was looking at a group blog for people who like vintage items in and for their home. Someone gave a tour of their kitchen...lots O vintage there. In one of the photos was a picture of a coffee cup that was the same as the one my mother always used.
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They scream Mother whenever I see one. She always had a cup half filled with coffee albeit mostly cold. It didn't matter. In fact a lot of the things shared on this blog remind me of things my mother had/collected.

It brought just a wee bit of sadness. We were not close...but we are alike in many ways. And unalike in many other ways. Maybe these few tears are for her passing. They've been a long time coming.

(And I hope I haven't broken any blogger-code by "borrowing" the picture of the cup...I cropped out everything else.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a great site » » »