Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Ironic, isn't it.

Jay Leno has been blasting fat people with jokes for years. At times he seems to really abhor them because of the way the "fat jokes" get spewed out of his mouth. Now, don't get me wrong. If a joke is funny, its funny whether its about fat people or skinny people. If a joke isn't funny.... its just not funny and I don't care how many times you warp it. But anyway....

I found it so ironic when I saw Jay Leno on the news being supportive as he visited with the writers on the picket line, and guess what he brought them..... donuts. Donuts, fer gawd sake. hahahahahaha Now that was FUNNY!! Not to mention a bit ironic. 'Padding' his box of resource jokes, perhaps? Oh the irony of it all.


cat's momma said...

Haha...I just saw a picture of Jay in today's paper with a big box of donuts at the picket line. I've not watched his opening monologue in many years, so I didn't know about the fat jokes. But it is ironic.

Anonymous said...

I don't think there is one joke I ever hear him tell that I laugh at. I think his writers should take advantage of studying what's funny, while they are on strike. I take that back, I do laugh at a few but they are usually about the Bush administration.

The Crusty Crone said...

I seldom laugh at his monolog... and I say "seldom" because maybe I've forgotten it. And I find some of his stabs at humor are really that.... stabs. Hurtful stabs.

I have found that out loud laughing usually comes from a surprising punchline. He rarely has any surprising punchlines. On the other hand... coming up with jokes five days a week, year after year, is not easy. And I can take him a lot better than I can take Conan's humor style.

Most of the time I have Leno on because there's nothing else to watch and the NBC station comes in best on my TV. (I have rabbit ears, fer gawd sake. Can you say 1950s) And maybe Ross (the intern) Mathews will have a segment.

Pennytunes said...

All tv will be effected.. I like this new show on Mondays, its called "The big bang theory" Its pretty funny, and I like "two and a half men"...

I never watch Jay anymore...

Pennytunes said...

Ohhh I forgot to add, I do have a news clipping that I am going to send in to Jay... There is a coach here and she was written up in the news paper and you will NEVER believe her name... Aneda Kock... I read that and could not stop laughing...

The Crusty Crone said...

i am... we watch the same channel on Mondays. I like Big Bang and 2.5 men, too.... although I think 2.5 men may have run its course. How many jokes can you say about sex. (I love the mother.)

Anonymous said...

Conan is too weird for me...and NOT funny. I can't believe he is taking over Leno's place.

never watched 2.5 men...but then I don't watch much...

I can't believe how mediocre TV has gotten...

I remember the good old days of the mid 80's, Thursday night line up...all the comedies that were so good...sandy