Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Oh Dear... What Have I Spawned?

You remember the old adage, the acorn doesn't fall far from the tree? Well, its not always true. I have an acorn that has bounced out of the field, over the fence, has rolled down the hill and across an eight laned freeway. To say we live on opposite sides would be an understatement. If she didn't physically resemble her father's side of the family I would be shaking my fist (figeratively speaking) wondering who switched babies with me. As it is, I often find myself shaking my head mumbling 'where did she come from???? Surely not from ME!!'

She has started a political/opinion type blog (I think thats what it is) and I get an email notification whenever she updates it. I don't know where she got most of her beliefs. Surely within her stiffly tied republican persona is a little bit of humanity. Surely its in there some where? (Please don't take offense. I'm not pro democrate, either. And not ALL republicans are stiff and rigid. I've heard after they pass on, a lot of them loosen up a lot.)

Her current comments are regarding helping others. She doesn't believe in it. There was one point she made that I agree with, but her overall point of view is baffling to me. She apparently has forgotten all the help she has been given over the years in order to get where she is in life. And she clearly has no concept of how difficult it is to get a step up when you're starting at ground zero.

I don't leave comments on her blog because we simply have different opinions and I'm not here to change hers. Its all part of life... different strokes for different folks. However, I have no problem (so far, anyway hahaha) if someone wants to voice their view point in my comments section. Equal time, if you will. Just don't try to change me. Or something like that......


Pennytunes said...

Well see, different beliefs can get along just fine, and like you said, not commenting is the best way to handle it... I'm one of those stiff and rigid republicans and you and I get along ok... DON'T WE??? (grin)....

My parents were demarcates, but when I was of age and I started observing the world around me, and started living in that world, that is when I became a republican... My son is too... Sometimes we both wonder how we ended up in the middle of left wing country out here in Oregon, it aint easy sometimes, hehehe...

Miss P

The Crusty Crone said...

hahaha...left wing Oregon. Not so much, any more.

I have heard republicans speak and I liked what they said and the same for democrates. I've heard so many more, of both parties, that I did not like. As in all things, there is the good, the bad, and the truly ugly. hahahaha

Pennytunes said...

oh my... he he he... I didnt have my glasses on when I posted this, and I still can't see after the eye stuff I had done last month... I can't believe how many miss spelled words I did above... oh m