I moved some of the magazines on the coffee table. Not there. I lifted up my straw hat. No luck. I even checked my purse twice and still no camera. I wonder where it is.
I know its somewhere around here because I used it yesterday. 'Mom' and the boys stopped by for a few minutes and I snapped a couple of pictures.... so I know the camera is here. Its just gotten up and walked away. (yes, things can just walk away and then show up later. I've experienced it.)
You know what this means, don't you? Its time to straighten up. To stack all the magazines and set neatly aside. Maybe putting the can goods away will help clear the space. While I'm at it perhaps I'll vaccumn. We'll see.
I wouldn't be surprised if I was looking right at the camera and not registering it. If it was a snake... you can bet your last dollar I wouldn't be looking for it, but nonetheless, do you have moments like this? You can't find something and then later its sitting on the counter mocking you? Its a mean mean trick to pull on an old lady. And I don't use lady lightly.
Update: I found it. I found my camera. It was crouching behind the coffee maker half hidden by a bread wrapper. The little dickens!
That happens to me all the time. In fact, believe or not, I forgot my address yesterday. I was off by one number. Reason is, I haven't written out my address in over three years, M pays the bills. I never write anything.
I'm beginning to worry myself.
Hahaha...me too! It's usually my glasses or my hat or the tv remote or my keys. If I put something in a place different from the usual place...I can't find it.
I always lose my double pointed knitting needles. After searching high and low, I either find them tucked between two sofa cushions, or more likely, parked behind my ear.
I always lose my double pointed knitting needles. After searching high and low, I either find them tucked between two sofa cushions, or more likely, parked behind my ear.
ha ha ha Your too funny at times and yes many a times my camera had played hide and seek with me too...plus not to mention many other little things that also likes to play the game of hide and seek.
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