Thursday, November 09, 2006

Big Ole Drug Bust... the old fashion kind.

Man... it scared the living crap outta me!!! I thought my apt. was being bombed for a minute. Okay, it took more like 5 minutes to realize it. But I did think someone was shooting off shotguns into the wrong apartment. "WTF!!"

Wanna walk through it with me? Its the only thing I have to blog about.

I had been awake an hour earlier. Usual stuff for me, but I had dozed back off on the couch watching reruns of Jay Leno and those guys. All of a sudden I hear what sounds like cannons going off and things hitting my floor. Only it wasn't my floor but the floor above me. Two apartments were raided. The one next to me (infamous apt. C) and the one over me (apt. G)... so no wonder it sounded so close.

At the same time as the canisters of tear gas were being shot off, the metal doors were being busted open.... so all this horrendous noise happened at the same time.

(Now I think I have a better understanding of why they do it this way (loud and aggressive)... your stunned and unable to respond immediately.)

The apartments were surrounded by what looked like the army. National Guard, no doubt. And it looked like they were all holding weapsons. Army fatigue outfits, fully suited up. I felt like I was in a war zone for a minute.

As soon as everything had been secured then the 'army' took off on one of those SWAT TEAM vehicles and the city police took over. (The vehicle looked like it had toy soldiers hanging off of it as it pulled away. It made me think of Christmas when boys get army toys.)

The police are still here gathering evidence. I heard a burst of loud talking a few minutes ago.... maybe they discovered where the drugs were hid upstairs.

What a way to wake up. I can now more fully understand how upsetting it would be for those people who get busted by mistake. You know, when the cops hit the wrong house or apartment.

Still breathing a little fast.


Anonymous said...

WOW, glad you are ok... Gosh sounds scary indeed....

WEll, I'm glad the bad guys are gone now, and lets hope more don't take their place.....

WHAT NO PICTURES????? Gee, (grin)

The Crusty Crone said...

I'm kind of bummed out. Getting busted apparently doesn't mean you have to stay in jail. At least not right away. Or perhaps ever. The people were out and back here by 1pm. All that hoopla... all that noise and tearing doors open, etc. and pfffft! Nothing. I guess we will once again have to go through months of eviction processing before the drug folks are actually gone. What a let down. Sigh. I'm sitting here smelling crack again.

sandy said...

That is incredible!!! What the hell...why do they even do these busts if people are back out that quick...what a waste...

I think I would call the police and ask why they disturb people with drug busts..when it doesn't mean anything...