Thursday, August 25, 2005

Thursday's Thirteen

1.'s Thursday already?! Well, I knew it was Thursday, but I forgot about "thirteen".

2. I stood at the open bathroom window in the middle of the night listening to the sounds. That means it was quiet and I could hear the crickets. It was nice.

3. I've been observing my mood changes. It changes without any outside influence at all. My 'thinking' hadn't changed either... just my mood. Interesting.

4. I love the apartment in the movie "Green Card". An inside outdoor garden. I guess that would be called a green house, but since its in an apartment, I bet there is a specific name for it. Anyway, I watched the movie over and over just to see the green house.

5. I've done the same thing with "As Good As It Gets". Watched it a gazillion times just to look at the studio and art. (Nicholson's character has a great painting of two elderly black guys sitting together.) The movie is excellent, too.

6. Its suppose to be hot today... 90 degrees. Maybe we'll luck out and the weatherman will be wrong...again.

7. I have thirteen paintings hanging on my apt. walls... six are completed. (hanging unfinished paintings is an excellent way of keeping them away from my 2 yr old grandson's curious hands.)

8. My grandson is at that ADORABLE stage. His bulky diaper switches this way and that as his short little legs try to run, his cheeks shake, and he is totally focused on trying not to fall down. So damn cute! ( facial cheeks shakes. I don't know about the other ones.)

9. I need to start making some money to supplement my Social Security. I did up a budget and I've got $12 mad money left over. Mad money because I've probably forgotten something that costs more than $12 and I'm gonna be mad.

10. I've started four different thoughts here but they don't fit. Number 10, number 10...what could number 10 be about?

11. My printer is out of ink. Not sure when I'll be able to get another cartriage. BUT... I did get some batteries for my digital camera. Now all I have to do .......

12. I haven't been listening to enough music. I need to get back to that.

13. If any of my readers want to do Thursday's Thirteen, please join in...if you want to use this form, see below where to get the code for it. Whew...that makes thirteen. I wonder if these will get better with practice.

Links to other Thursday Thirteens!

1. (leave your link in comments, I’ll add you here!)

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

1 comment:

The Crusty Crone said...

I just thought I'd leave a comment for the hell of it.