Thursday, March 29, 2007

What is this, please

These plants are around the apts and give off a lovely fragrance. Does anyone know the name of the plant?
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Anonymous said...

I don't know but there is something familiar about it...can you describe the fragrance...

one thing I notice on my walks are I have the nose of a jokes please..hahaha..

I can pick up a scent and I walk around sniffing a lot as I'm trying to identify fragrances. There are some plants way up in the hills by us that smell like maple syrup. I have yet to find out what they are.

Did they clean up that landslide mess yet...


The Crusty Crone said...

The only description of the fragrance that I can come up with is that it smells like mellow perfume. Not much of a clue, huh.

I was very impressed with how quickly the landslide was cleared up and traffic back using the highway. The slide occurred around 9:15am. By 6pm they had opened three of the four lanes. They got the blocked traffic cleared, heavy equipment in, cleared the trees, dirt, and bolders, and brought in cement blocks to block off the one lane next to the slide. I thought it was amazing. They still have to do more to make the mountain side more secure, but traffic is flowing again.

The Crusty Crone said...

Someone emailed me and said this might be daphne... most of the things I've read about daphne (except maybe the underside of the leaves) seem to match up. The one thing that caught my eye, though, is that daphne is poisonous. That might be worrisome since there are kids around. I'm going to keep looking. (that means read what google brings up)

Anonymous said...

oh wow, yeah that might be.

I wish when y ou google something to do with plants and flowers, there was an option to press if you want to experience the fragrance. Very interactive web THAT would be.


TopChamp said...

Could it be a viburnum? Not really well versed on US plants but my fella reckons it could be... (did I mention before he's a botanist?).

The Crusty Crone said...

Thx for the headsup about viburnum. I'll be googling it to see if it fits. (I'm so not a plant/gardner person, but I enjoy what others do with plants.)