I did some errands a couple of days ago. Whoa... the excitement of it all!!
I forgot to take pictures of the first two stops... Albertson's Grocery store where I obtained my Folger's Cafe Latte flavors (they are the cheapest...imagine that!!), then down the street to the bank to make a deposit. Yup... that's right. A deposit. Now that, my friends, rarely happens... but I luv it, jus luv it.
Then on to Michael's Arts and Crafts Store to get a canvas. My mind boggled as I glanced at all the art supplies. I thought I might pick up a couple more tubes of acrylics but since I didn't already have a color in mind, the selection was overwhelming. So many different brands, so many different colors. I decided against the purchase. I've been burned before when making rushed purchases. I'll need to make a list and then go again. (and for your viewing pleasure, I even took a picture of my car trunk with canvas and coffee flavoring resting. I know, I know... too much excitement is not good for you, but.... )
From there I went to Fred Meyers to pick up a couple more things (This is part of the Kroegers chain of stores now.) and I decided to splurge and buy lunch. It wasn't an easy decision. I usually think about what other item I could buy for the price of the lunch or dinner. The other items usually win out since lunch/dinner would not last over 30 minutes and then be gone. But today I splurged. Orange Chicken and fried rice from the Panda Express. $5.45. Be still my heart. Be still my debit card. (Its not use to this type of activity.)
Awwwww... a bit of normalacy. Can't beat it.
I was going to do some laundry this morning but the laundry room is still locked. Sunday morning... people get to sleep in so I decided against knocking on the manager's door and waking them up. I'll do it later.
Speaking of the manager. He's moving to a different place on the first of the month. They apparently need to do some "cleaning up" there too... and by that I mean get the drug users out. I don't want to see him go cause, you know, its easier to tell someone else about a problem than to take care of it yourself. (cheesy grin)

1 comment:
I always like your "photo journal" of the day. Cool. And glad you got to deposit instead of withdraw. That is always more fun!!! Keep flow-ing.
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