... and deeper in debt. Do you remember Tennessee Ernie Ford? If you do, man, you are OLD!! And yes, I do remember him.
I'm having one of those mornings where I still feel sleepy but when I lay down to have a cat-nap, I can't sleep. Bummer. I know all that I need is a cat-nap. That's all it would take... but as it is, I don't feel like doing anything.
We had a small earthquake in our area.... perhaps 20 miles away. Just a guess. There must not be too much to report on the news because this is one of the headlines, as it were. It was only 3.8 and about 17 miles below the surface.
Its almost cold in my apartment. I have both windows open again and the breeze really gets pulled through the place. It will warm up later to around 80 degrees. I feel for the folks on the East coast and midwest. Lordy, lordy, lordy.

I know I left a comment about this and how I remember Tenn. Ernie Ford, I even saw it show up on the COMMENTS, but today it's not there and says 0 comments
Did I write something in it you didn't like and you deleted it? Or the blog server did? I even got the word you have to write in before it posts correct on the first try.
I don't remember just what I wrote but it was about Ernie (bless his little pea-pickin heart)and how, in the song the person couldn't even die because he owed his soul to the company store.
Even Ernie's ghost wouldn't have minded it.
Its wasn't me... I don't know what happened to your comments. This situation must be why I hear so many complaints about this site. ?? Sorry it didn't get posted. Lets see if this one will...
Hi, if you read my other post I couldn't comment anonymously for awhile...so I just didn't comment.
I also had trouble posting to my old blog and had to create a whole new one which I am working on tonight...
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