(update)Well crappola. I guess there will be no more pictures from my pc posted here. Sigh. Is it any wonder why I curse the vile villian(s) who creates and spreads this kind of evil work. (I'm blaming it on the Trojan Horse virus.)
The photos will load from the camera to My Pictures and from there I can get them out to photobucket.com....but My Pictures has no editing functions so there's no cropping, etc. Did I mention the camera is also taking sucky photographs? (End of update)
We're still getting a little sun now and then. The insects are going to be plentiful this summer.
I've been trying to find a watercolor pad that I know I have somewhere. Its one I've had for a while but was not crazy about the quality of the paper... so I didn't use it. I'm out of my other paper and I need it. Its tucked away somewhere, I just may have to remove EVERYTHING from the closet in my search. The 'taking out' may not be so bad, but the putting everything back is a chore. (I've already looked at everything so I don't want to look at it again.)
Or could it be slipped under the bed so it could lay flat? hmmmmmmmm.
My ideal studio would have R O O M.... room to spare. (Just not too much room. There is such a thing as too much.) If I'm speaking of ideal then I should speak of a room(s) that expands and contracts as needed. In any event, there would be tables enough to hold scads of stuff with yet another clear table for focusing. The work table would be on rollers. My paper and canvas would be out of the way but within easy reach. There would be several styles of chairs and stools upon which to sit. Most would have rollers on them for easy and efficient scooting about. The daydream could go on for a while, huh.
Did I mention there would be a studio fairy, too? She would be a studio tidy-er and have the magical gift for knowing when to leave something where it lays and when to put it away. Hey, its my fantasy.
I don't know why I'm going on like this. Perhaps its to get an entry posted so that is done. I'm currently stewing about the letter M.
I watched Vyron the other day and in the afternoon I gave him a treat in a bowl. While he sat on the couch with it I was busy at the sink. (Vyron is a talker. I don't understand 98% of what he's saying, he still just gabbers away.) I suddenly became aware of silence.... there was no talking. I looked over to the couch and there Vyron was knocked out. Empty bowl on stomach. He must have just fell over. He made me think of an alcoholic who had finally sipped his last drink and passed out.
I tried a technique from grade school but it didn't work. There's probably a term for the technique but I don't know what it is...I call it negative embossing. I put down, in crayon, a red color. Then I took an ad from a magazine (a horse) and put it on top of my paper and traced over it deeply. (the embossing part) I then took a blue and colored over everything.
The horse doesn't show up very well, but I'm posting it anyway. Basically, I just wanted to get something up on the ole blog.
The letter L stands for line: A Chorus Line to be exact. I know, I know... its a stretch, but a line is a line. And yes, some might say "HEY?! Is that fair?!" (clears throat) Why yes.. it is fair.
"SCATTERGORIES . . It's harder than it looks! Copy and paste into your blog.
Use the 1st letter of your name to answer each of the following... they have to be real places, names, things...nothing made up! You CAN'T use your name for the boy/girl name question."
What is your name...........................Crusty
4 Letter Word.................................. Cool
With a very dull knife, I would like to rip out the hearts of those who put their stinking comments here in an effort to make money off of other people. GO GET A FRIGGING JOB YOU STINKING MORON. JUST GET YOUR LAZY ASS OUT OF THE CHAIR AND AWAY FROM THE PC AND GET A J O B!!!!!!!!! #($ &)#($^($#^*(^$#()^#$ If I'm ever able to track any of you down, your life will be hell. BWAH HA HA HA
This video has Naomi Frears talking about what inspires her and how she works. We get to see her painting in her studio. (I always like to see the environment.) Although 8 minutes might seem a bit long for a youtube video, when I watched it, it seemed to go by very quickly and I never thought about the time. (I liked this video even though some of the scenes looked like they were filmed with a cell phone. Perhaps this was done on purpose to make it seem more artsy. But what do I know.)
Update: Ya know, as Miss Penny mentioned in the comments section, I do believe getting the hair cut has helped Darius to feel better about himself. He was enjoyable and helpful to be around last night and this morning. Vyron not so much. He didn't particularly need to feel better about himself and besides... he's two years old. They don't call them the Terrible Two's for nothing.
The wee one sporting his latest outfit that combines warmth with comfort. Note his unique ability to combine outerwear (jacket) with underwear (briefs and Elmo slippers) with panashe. Looking closely at the beads in his hair, is it any wonder that I want the boys to get haircuts? Geesh.
(I think he was showing his mother that he wasn't listening.)
I'm befuddled. I'm also on the edge of a psychotic episode. My pc seems to be infected with a LOONEY TOON causing virus'. I don't know if I'm coming or going. If you've ever had to deal with a pc virus, you'll know what I mean. If you haven't, no amount of description can adequately convey the emotions one experiences.
I've had error and warning messages popping up all over the place... and some of them don't respond to anything. I've been scanning all day long. One attempt after another. One positive out of all of this is that God Bless SuperAntiSpyware!!!!!! I just finished a two hour scan and it got rid of a gazillion "threats". However, I am also getting warning messages that certain files/functions cannot be found. I'm thinking they are in the quarentine vault. I have no idea what the software is/was used for so I decided to come see if I can get this posted. So far, so good.
I won't share with you how I feel about those people who create viruses (viri??). You can use your imagination.
I worked on the goose painting for a while today. I hope to get it posted later tonight.
Nuttin' much going on around here. Another day with The Group gone and I don't expect them tonight, either. It would be a great time to do some move-the-furniture-away-from-the-wall cleaning, but I'm sca-red. I'm sca-red the cleanliness would bring The Group back home. That's how it seems to work. Do some really deep cleaning and here come the boys. Gone in a flash.
This pc doesn't have any photo software on it. Good thing I am a procrastinator because I still have the Coral disk and can load it on here. I still need to download Picasa, too. Pictures bring a lot to a blog. To pull off text only, you really have to be a pretty good writer.... so that's what I'll be doing this evening.
What I have learned during this techno-challenging time was that I can't blame not getting things done on the pc. True, it uses a lot of my time, but I don't get things done without a pc, too. Go figure. Its like when the last of the children move out of the house and you discover the mess wasn't completely caused by them. (silly grin, he he he he)
If you watch any talk shows at all, you have probably seen the Best of Show beagle.
Ohmygosh! I have never seen a more perfect specimen of a beagle... or any dog. And I'm not particularily a dog person, but this dog has charisma or something. He's perfect in all ways. I hope you all got a chance to see him moving. He's adorable!!
I'm slowly rebuilding my bookmarks, thanks to google and links on blogs. If you think I should have a particular link, please email it to me. I don't want to miss anything.
Daily life.... 'Mom' and the boys (I now refer to them as The Group) spend most of their time away from the apartment. (They have my car, but I have my space.) I might say its because I kind of lost it last month. Blew my cool, so to speak. But in reality its because 'mom' is kindling a relationship with a long time friend and is spending most of her time at his place.
Call me desparate, but about the only way The Group is going to be able to get their own place is if 'mom' has a room mate... and this person already has their own place. He also has a "job". (be still my heart) And... and.... he has his own car!! He's a frigging prince, fer gawd sake!! And this is based on comparison with a couple of guys 'mom' hooked up with over the past few years. Too good to be true? Could be, but only time will tell. In any event, I have long periods of quiet and space. Its very nice.
Two different tenants had their car side windows busted out and things taken from the cars. Each was about a month apart. The cars are parked in front of the apts and just a few feet away from a through-street but folks are desparate and there really isn't much consequence if they get caught. It made me kind of glad that 'mom' had my car somewhere else.
I haven't done squat with regards to any art work while I've been off line. I just don't feel it... don't know why.
I think I've run out of things to yak about now. I'm glad to be back. Lord it was boring without being able to surf the web.
"…the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy.All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.” –Hermann Goering, Nazi Reichsmarschall