Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Seattle or bust.... BUSTED!

One of my daughters was going to drive to Seattle today and she wanted company so she asked if I would go along. After checking my appointment book to make sure I was free (inside joke) I said 'sure'. As soon as I hung up the phone I was hoping she would cancel. Weather sucks here... buckets of rain and swirls of wind, especially last night. I was fully expecting her to call and cancel this morning but she didn't. And when she arrived to pick me up at 6:30am we were experiencing a break in the rain.

All went well as we traveled northbound on I5.
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Just north of Olympia everything came to crawl. I think we probably went a mile or two in 45 minutes. Nothing but a long string of brake lights in front of us. First one lane would advance, then another. Of course, we were in the left lane when Mother Nature called, but we lucked out and was able to get to the far right lane without mishap.
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Creeping slowly we made it to an off ramp and headed for the nearest Burger King. First on the agenda was Mother Nature and second was to find out if anyone knew what was up with the traffic. The nice people there said the traffic had been like that since 5am. Apparently there was a mudslide or two up ahead and it was slow going if you were able to go at all.

I was very glad that my daughter decided to skip it all and head back home. Traffic was moderate headed South.
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So... we didn't make it to Seattle but I did enjoy spending time with daughter #2... got caught up on a lot of things. But we were BUSTED.


Anonymous said...

Well! You ought to live in Union Gap. We have had NO rain til this evening when the heavens opened up and let us have it for a couple of hours. Now ... nuttin'! I love listening to rain on the roof providing there are no leaks! Hahahahaha.

The Crusty Crone said...

Well 'hey' GLORIA. Good to see you here.