Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Sniffle and sneeze. That's all I've been doing, sniffling and sneezing. A few whimpering moans. Nasty head cold. My daughter (aka 'mom') brought it home. It looks like the next person to get it will be 4 yr old Vyron. Its bad enough when adults have head colds, but when small kids get one, it gets really really yucky! Snot all over everything. TMI? Sorry.


sandy said...

Hope you feel better soon...

Rudee said...

Hope you're feeling better, soon.

Unknown said...

Sorry to hear you are not feeling so great, hope you get to feeling better again...What I found besides cough drops and the like...is sipping some hot Mint tea with a bit of honey and lemon.

Wanda said...

Head colds are no fun.... Sorry you are sniffling.....

Get better soon!

Sue J said...

Kids seem to relish licking their top lip when it's flowed down that far too!
Hope you're soon better :))