Saturday, August 30, 2008

Washington Post Compares Proposed Tax Cuts

A graph showing the McCain/Obama proposed tax cuts.


Pennytunes said...

What a lot of folks don't put into consideration is what happens when government starts taxing the rich is, the rich start cutting employees, which means the folks who did have jobs wont because the government is taking more money and giving to the poor, but in doing so they take away the job so we have more people out of work, endless cycle... I've known a lot of rich people, I know what happens, I've seen it first hand... Things are not always as they appear...

The Crusty Crone said...

Its my understanding that these tax cuts are on personal income and not businesses. I don't connect the dots in the same way you do, I guess.

Where's all the jobs that bush's tax cuts were suppose to help create? I haven't seen them. What I did see was an article in Vanity Fair about the Hamptons. They quoted someone who had just purchased a multi-million dollar house and they were feeling a little bad because they were able to buy the house while he was downsizing his businesses and eliminating jobs. The dots just don't connect.