This old drawing has nothing to do with this post. I just wanted a picture.
My back is staging some kind of protest over being used. Each time I move, it screams back at me "Oh no you don't!" with some serious pain. It seems to have the most power right now, damn it. It hurts to lay down, sit up, walk, breath, everything.
Oh.. didn't mention but the staycation is over. It was sweet while it lasted. The "group" returned Monday from their vacation. And that's all I have to say about that.
Crap... gotta step back from the pc for now. mumble owwwww
I kind of remember this, but not sure. You did a good job on her, very realistic looking.
Back pain is the worse, I have had really bad lower back pain going on in the past but once in awhile upper. Hope you get over this soon!! Ouch.
Darn, about the staycation.
Cat's momma has been here since Sunday and we've been enjoying our little vacation together, long walks, good food, and lots of laughs.
I'm sorry your not feeling well, but I love the picture.
Very nice design! Think I've ever asked ... can you tell me how you doing? ie I could not do that too few as a beginner?
hi all!
Your back is telling you to either take it easy, or get a new mattress. Hope you feel better, soon.
Love the subject of the picture. She looks so wise.
I remember this drawing and I really liked it them and now! When your back goes it's difficult to do anything, including breathe. I hope it's better soon.
I had a great time with relaxing and fun.
Yes this is a great much personality.
So sorry about your back. Just reading you posts makes me hurt! Hope you can find a comfortable position and get some rest.
CC I often get problems with my lower back. I invested in a Sacrowedgie (Google it). It is a very low-tech, simple device that looks like a bike seat, but it WORKS!
Not expensive either. The biggest part of the price for me was the postage to OZ. I pulled my back last Friday morning putting my mixer back into the cupboard. I used the SW as soon as I could and I was almost right the next morning and completely right the day after. If I'd done nothing I would've ended up with sciatica and sleepless nights.
I like your picture
Thanks for all the comments. And Sue, thanks for the info. I did a real quick peek on google, but must go back and actually read things.
the pic's jus gr88......luv it........
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