I just got done hooking up my tv converter box. No glitches, although I can see how someone without any experience with electronic technology at all could be frustrated. "Oh dear, what if I push this button and I blow up my tv?! Or just break it!"
I'm not so sure I qualify for being an early bird by getting the converter box connected this morning. It looks like five of our seven local channels are still using the analog signal...probably until later this evening. However, two channels have already switched and one of them is a channel I watch later in the morning.
Now I am a proud owner of two remote controls. An extra remote control to keep up with... it might prove interesting.
The downside is that once all the channels have switched to digital signals I won't be able to listen to the tv shows on my walkman. (the walkman I have picked up most of the channels.) Bummer. However, I will be glad when I don't have to watch the PSA (public service announcements) any more.
So... shall I watch old movies or Japanese table tennis?
Added later: Oh great. Everytime I change channels, I have to get up and move the antenna! Sigh.
That's so frustrating. I hope you get the glitches worked out.
I have been thinking that it would be a good idea for people that even have cable or dishes to get these. If that service goes out you could still watch TV. I really don't like that this has happened, because I have a couple of those TV station radios that I liked to listen to outside or at work when I used to work. Even the little portable BW TV's that you used to be able to buy for about $30 at the drugstore won't work anymore. I guess we have to change with the times though. Our remotes are always on the glitch. I think it is the grand baby.she likes to play with them.
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