I just looked outside and its snowing again!?! WTH? But once again I can go "awwww... look how pretty it is!" because its not cold enough to be concerned. And it is pretty, when you know everyone is safe.
I haven't been able to get/stay online this weekend. I hope I'm able to catch up on my reading today.
It is pretty. I think you have the weather we should have, and we have yours. It rained over one inch yesterday. That's the equivalent of nearly a foot of snow. I'm glad I have nothing to shovel today.
Awwww it IS pretty! We've had no participation by percipitation in weeks and weeks so I enjoyed sitting with you for a while to watch the snow.
Aww....when will the FUN weather come out! I want to go for a walk, or something fun OUTSIDE. Can you tell I have cabin fever. I need a vacation. I am over worked and under joyful.
"because its not cold enough to be concerned" ... I don't know, snow is always very cold to me! It is beautiful though, you are right :)
Oh snow...I could NOT handle that, ha! I just had time to get online for a little bit too. I've got a lot of catching up to do with blog reading.
"I want to see an snowman if it is not too cold the next time you get some snow" Unless you would rather stay indoors and stay warm...then I guess I will have to suffered and not get to see a snowman then.
Currently I have most of the windows open here, the night air isn't all of that cold, just right, and today it has been nice and warm out...I would love to shared some of our Southern California weather with you...If you want some...I will blow it your way.
So hard to imagine SNOW!!!!
Wish you were here!!
Hi CC, You've been tagged! Check my blog. Sue :))
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