Wednesday, February 11, 2009

This and That

I finally got around to getting some of those reusable canvas-like tote bags for grocery shopping. They work pretty good, especially when you remember to take them, but its too easy to fill them up. Then you end up with a bag too heavy to tote. I got three and I will definitely need more.

The grocery store was very crowded. If I go too early in the morning (or in the middle of the night-open 24/7) the isles are filled with boxes for restocking the shelves. If I go a little later in the morning, then its way crowded. We just have too many people. And speaking of too many people.... the woman who now has 14 kids all under the age of 8, is crazy. Completely out of her mind. And I fully understand why the woman's mother (the kids' grandmother) would want to run away. All I can say is "Run... Run as fast and as far as you can!!"

Maybe something interesting will happen tomorrow.


Rudee said...

How did someone on Medicaid get IVF when she already had 6 babies at home. Some procedures should require a psych eval.

I always, always forget my green bags.

Sue J said...

I can relate to the tote bags and buying too much and making them heavy. I get around that by using them to put the shopping in as I go around the store. That way I know everything will fit and I can cope with the weight. I just empty it all out again at the checkout.

Brenda said...

I am trying to be a better "green" person, and want to get those bags also. I need to get my act together and recycle properly also. Oh well....the hot news topic is the lady with all the kids. I can barely take care of one properly. I say Run too!

sandy said...

Run run run gramma, run as fast as you can cause this daughter of yours is a little obsessive about kids. And doesn't it kind of irritate you when our tax money is paying for all this and our state taxes will pay for medical care for these babies of what I heard will end up being over a million dollars.

aaarggg, ....

The Crusty Crone said...

Hey Sue... that's a good idea bout testing weight capacity of the tote bags.

As a general rule, I don't have a problem with tax money going to help others out when they need a hand up.... BUT this crazy woman who PURPOSELY did this, who had to go as far out of the way as possible to do it AND pay for it IS FRIGGING LOONLY TOONS! She has no grasp of reality. And now there is no way out for the little ones.

And the doctor who implanted her should go to JAIL! Or at least have his license revolked. Freaky idiots!!

But... now I hear you can go to her web site and give her donations. Probably her PR person's idea so she can get paid.

Wanda said...

I use my grogery tote bags for everything else too.... my books to library. My stuff for Women's Bible Study~ A shoe bag... on and on... But they do work at the grocery store too.

I agree....Run baby run!

Sue J said...

Maybe the doctor who enabled this to happen should help towards their upkeep? He might think twice before doing it again.

Sue J said...

You OK CC? You sound a little down.