Now you folks who live where it really SNOWS, please hold your snickering until later, but our 1968 record was for 11.5 inches. The record was broken last night and we have continued adding snow to that amount.
We're working on the 11th day in a row of snow. (insert a weak yahoo here) And the end is not in sight... anywhere!
Update: I don't think the 11.5" is correct because I'm reading blogs saying they have 18" or more in their yards. The details I mentioned here are soft and are not to be quoted as absolutely true.
Well true or not....ya got snow and it sounds like a lot! That is a really nice photo of Vyron... Great composition on that one, it's appealing to the eye.
I don't know what is going on but I live in Missouri and we haven't had the huge snow everyone else has? Just extreme cold! Some ice last week. Your grandson is a cutie!
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