Sunday, March 16, 2008

Practice Time

I got a little time to myself and was able to play around with some watercolors. The real push to paint something was helped along by the bell peppers. They were getting too old and needed to be consumed. (as it was, part had to be discarded. Shame, shame. You know, all those starving children in the world.) That's when the light bulb went off.

"Well, DUH. Why don't I try to do a watercolor before I slice 'em up."

And that's what I did. (They were standing on a glass table.)

Then I got full of myself.

"Hey... I know what to do with the letter N."

Famous last words.


cat's momma said...

Turns out you did know what to do with the letter N! Good job on the peppers...hey! Before you throw anything out, check it out for a painting subject.

Wanda said...

Love your watercolors!! The peppers are great --- I would stuff them and have them for dinner too after the painting was through!!!

sandy said...

Are these transparent watercolors..
great job.


sandy said...

Are these transparent watercolors..
great job.
