No, not my mask. (Its so tattered one couldn't really call it a mask any longer.) I'm waiting for the masking fluid to dry so I can begin painting a picture. I'm dawdling because the next step is where it gets screwed up, ya know. The actual painting part of the process.
Any hoo... (don't ya jus gag at hearing that... 'any hoo') the above picture is of a cloud. No, really. Its a cloud I saw in '02 and it looked like an angel flying across the sky. And look... I bet thats the huge book of trespasses she has in her hand. Of course, for communication reasons, I doodled on it so others would be able to see what I saw. I was hoping at the time that it was a sign from the Universe that wonderous things were going to happen... but apparently not. Its that or the Universe is working on government time like they did with New Orleans.
Its a beautiful day so far. Thats because its sunshining and I'm not out in the heat. Its going to get close to 90 degrees. By Sunday evening we should be getting some rain and cooler weather. Its actually unusual for us to be having nice days right now because our Rose Festival week-long celebration started. Normally its cold, wet, and terribly muddy at the fun center. Tonight is the Star Light parade and next Saturday will be the Rose Festival parade (which is the second largest in the nation, or so I've heard.) I don't attend any of these activities. I did my bit when a youngster and I'm done with it now. Besides... I don't like crowds.
I think I've dawdled enough... got to go now. Wish me luck with the painting. "I DO believe in miracles. I DO believe in miracles." (I can't remember which movie those lines are from.)
Okay I've pulled my chair up and I'm watching you..don't you dare ruin this...grin..but I am so anxious to see this..wondering what inspired you...
I am wishing you miracles on this r-e-a-l-l-y careful...
I love the concept. The arm in the front appears to be rather large. I guess that is similar to what happens when taking a picture with a camera. But an artist can do whatever an artist wants to do.
"The arm in the front appears to be rather large."
Yes. The arm was foreshortedned and seemed to be particularly muscular like a man's. No doubt from carrying around that huge book of 'trespasses'. hahahahaha
"The arm in the front appears to be rather large."
Yes. The arm was foreshortedned and seemed to be particularly muscular like a man's. No doubt from carrying around that huge book of 'trespasses'. hahahahaha
NOOOOO that is not a book of traspasses!!! But the book of Truths.....about how beauitiful and wonderful you are and I can not wait to put this up on the blog!!!
You will not screw up, I know you won't!!!
hugs to you dear friend,
hello -you've had a lot going on here lately!
From what I see already this pic looks fab.
Hey..i keep checking here and you haven't finished this...I'm waiting...My chair is still pulled up...I'm getting tired of leaning over watching nothing going on...LOL
Oh dear... my communications wasn't very clear... not clear at all. I went back to read this entry and I see it is muddled.
I wasn't working on the angel cloud thats posted here. That was just something to put on the blog entry. What I was waiting for was the masking fluid to dry on the Jasmine Letter illustration (Nancy). And it never felt completely dry. Must be because I didn't shake the bottle first to stir it up... but the last time I did that I could only get to the bubbles, so I tried something else and it didn't work.
Your butt must be really tired by now. Sorry about the mixup.
Oh..i get it....geez..I have a cramp in my left...ouch..
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