Its been a few days since I've posted anything. Where does the time go? And this is coming from someone who hasn't been doing a darn thing.
I did manage to get myself out to do some grocery shopping. My favorite coffee flavoring was on sale so I stocked up. Folger's Cafe Latte Mocha Almond blend. I also got some Starbucks but I'm so smart I managed to get the whole beans instead of ground coffee. Freshly ground coffee may be the cats pajama's for a yuppie, but for me its a pain in the ass. Especially since I no longer have a coffee grinder. Looks like there might be one in my future if they don't cost an arm and a leg. I gotta toe and a pinkie finger, and that's as high as I go.
Damn... looks like 'blogger' has made changes so I can't make something a "hot link". Well frost my cookies!
(Later... that must have scared 'em, cause now the hot link is "hot". It pays to be crusty some times.)
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